Spot the difference! – Winter is here and the view is changing at Walker Swamp…
Now that the early restoration works in the Stage 1 project area are well and truly underway, let’s revisit the view looking over the wetland from the bird observation tower to see how the site is changing. Now is your chance to spot the difference!
How many could you find?
Here are just a few:
- Blue Gum coppice in the foreground of the image has been sprayed.
- Unharvested non-viable Blue Gum plantation to the right and left of the image has been removed and stacked for burning.
- The centre drain and mounds in the private (NGT owned) portion of Walker Swamp have been backfilled and/or levelled.
- The ground is getting wet and the deeper portion of the wetland in the distance is starting to fill.
We’ll keep you updated as the view continues to change over the months ahead – but needless to say, it is exciting times!