Community Nursery Project

The year may have only just begun, but NGT volunteers have already been actively involved in a range of projects and activities around the region. A number of volunteers have been doing a fantastic effort in helping Ryan manage the native plant nursery as part of...

Wouldn't it be nice to say you've planted 20 million trees!! Well we haven't managed to do that yet, but we have contributed to the overall target with 13,000 in the ground so far this planting season, thanks to the massive effort of our amazing...

It's been a busy month in the world of Nature Glenelg Trust's volunteers! We've made a start on our planting for the year and have also been busy in the nursery, getting ready for propagating new seedlings for our planting projects. We've recently had a group of...

The dry summer and autumn might be contributing to the lowering of the water level at Mt Burr Swamp, but the aquatic life on the swamp is still thriving, with dragonflies and damselflies maintaining good numbers and diversity. A variety of waterfowl are also still hanging around...