Mount Burr Swamp Habitat Restoration Reserve

Last month, NGT highlighted the exciting expansion of Mount Burr Swamp Restoration Reserve with our Stage II area. Over the coming months we hope to show our supporters the amazing work going on to restore wetlands in this area and the broader landscape out at...

If you cast your mind way back to 2016, NGT launched our first major public land purchase fundraiser, as we worked together with our partners and supporters to create the Mt Burr Swamp Restoration Reserve in the Limestone Coast region of South Australia. The original...

Over the past month, I have tried to drop in to a number of our major wetland restoration sites in SA and Victoria, given the unusually wet spring weather which has given most of these sites a real boost heading in to a later-than-usual summer...

Our South East SA based volunteers have joined us for some very muddy activities over the past month at Hutt Bay and Mt Burr Swamp. First up, in late October NGT Principal Ecologist Lachie Farrington led a group at Hutt Bay in a workshop on Burrowing...

It’s been a very busy couple of months with a large number of volunteer events and school groups at both Hutt Bay and Mt Burr Swamp as part of the Recharge Farms project being delivered in partnership with the Limestone Coast Landscape Board (in case...

NGT have been contracted (in South East SA and western Vic) to undertake many terrestrial fauna and flora surveys over the autumn-winter-spring-summer period of 2022. In fact, that has been our busiest run for this type of work in the past 10 years!Needless to say,...

You may remember that late last year we introduced you to the new concept of Regional Recharge Farms. In case you missed it, these are locations in the landscape where water is retained in natural wetland features, in our case using nature and the wetland...

World Wetlands Day comes around each year in February, and the Australian Government continues to mark the occasion by promoting the value of wetlands by sharing stories from across the country through the Wetlands Australia online magazine. The full 35th Edition can be viewed here.This...