
[caption id="attachment_29169" align="aligncenter" width="630"] Front cover of the new field guide displaying a photo taken by Herpetologist and SA Museum curator Mark Hutchinson of the Tussock Skink (Pseudemoia pagenstecheri).[/caption] Nature Glenelg Trust has recently finalised an update to a Field Guide to the Skinks of the...

Things are now starting to shape up for our exclusive supporters event on World Rivers Day (Sunday 23rd of September, 2018) at Walker Swamp. In the morning, there will be a range of activities hosted by NGT staff for all ages, like guided birdwatching, bushwalking, waterbug...

Back in January this year, Lachie wrote this great summary article about the restoration of Scale Swamp and the subsequent return of Brolga and other waterbirds to the site. Nature Glenelg Trust restored Scale Swamp in 2013 with the support of the the landowner, Dunkeld Pastoral Co.,...

Since the last update, the flows coming into Walker Swamp have very quickly refilled the wetland to its interim restored level, behind the trial structure that was installed by NGT back in 2014. [caption id="attachment_30798" align="aligncenter" width="800"] The Walker Swamp trial structure, spilling over to its interim...

Next Tuesday evening (21st August 2018) Mark, Greg and Jess from NGT will be in Dunkeld (at the Community Centre from 7 pm) to share the latest news on Walker Swamp and other wetland projects in the local area. So, if you want to learn...