Welcome to the Wetland Restoration on Private Land project page. This project is an exciting opportunity for Nature Glenelg Trust to work with local landowners, and is funded by the Australian Government.
The aim of the Wetland Restoration Project is to assist willing landholders to reinstate or improve their wetlands through hydrological restoration.
In most cases hydrologial restoration involves temporary or permanent blocking (regulating the water level) of outflowing drains from wetland areas.
With a five year program running until June 2017, we are hoping to hear from and assist people who think that their wetlands might benefit from hydrological restoration.
We will be using this page to keep you updated on the project and also to share some of the stories we encounter along our journey. Regular updates will include site profiles, project highlights and updates, and general showcasing of our regional wetlands through photographs. Please check back regularly for the latest updates.
If you would like more information on the project or have any wetland photos or stories that you would like to share then please contact me on 0401 208 717 or via email at

A scene reminiscent of wetlands across the region