Go Wild in Nature – World Environment Day at Adelaide Wetland
On Monday 22 April, Oaklands Wetlands in Adelaide was teeming with members of the community, excited children, native fish, turtles, yabbies and water bugs! The ‘Go Wild in Nature’ event was organised by The City of Marion.
Nature Glenelg Trust’s Senior Ecologist Dr Sylvia Zukowski and helper Charlie Zukowski ran a wild wetlands tour revealing fish and turtles, and giving everyone a hands on experience. Children and adults alike were delighted to see the threatened Southern Purple-spotted Gudgeon and hear about fish conservation. Green Adelaide Nature Education staff ran a macroinvertebrate session and there was also a nature journaling event. The wonderful day provided an exciting opportunity for community members to learn more about their local wetlands and was a great collaborative project.
NGT have released the threatened Southern Purple-spotted Gugeons into the wetland as part of a surrogate breeding program, to boost numbers of the threatened native fish, and for later releases into the wild. Some were even released into the River Torrens / Karrawirra Pari in Adelaide recently after 100 years of absence. You can read more about wild release here, and about Oaklands Wetlands here.

This project was supported by The City of Marion