
Over the past month, I have tried to drop in to a number of our major wetland restoration sites in SA and Victoria, given the unusually wet spring weather which has given most of these sites a real boost heading in to a later-than-usual summer...

Dig through the archives… you can click on the image or hyperlinked text below to see each edition of the monthly NGT newsletter as it appears when we mail out the newsletter to our subscribers. These are listed in reverse chronological order, back to the...

Over the years at NGT we’ve worked on wetland restoration investigations and implemented projects at wide range of wetland types. If you have been following these stories for some time, you will have seen how valuable digital elevation data (a Digital Elevation Model or DEM,...

On Saturday the 2nd of October, I had the pleasure of being invited to present at the 2021 Tasmanian Community Landcare conference in Launceston. The only problem is that thanks to Covid-19 impacting on travel options, I couldn’t attend in person! But every cloud has...