Author: Bryan Haywood

For over three years Andy Lines has been our amazing on-site caretaker at Eaglehawk Waterhole. He has systematically pulled and sprayed Salvation Jane over the entire property, fumigated extensive areas of rabbit warrens, mapped wetland boundaries with GPS, pulled down old fences, collected insects, recorded...

The following report is from a trip I made to the Australian Entomological Society Conference, which was held from 23-26th September 2018, in Alice Springs. I was fortunate enough to be accepted as a speaker within the Conservation Symposium and prepared a presentation about the...

The orchid flowering season is well upon us and the following photograph is of the Metallic Sun-orchid or Thelymitra epipactoides which is a nationally threatened orchid species. This photograph was taken at the translocation site in Desert Camp recently by one of our valued volunteers...

[caption id="attachment_27352" align="alignright" width="266"] Ancient Greenling Damselfly (Hemiphlebia mirabilis)[/caption] Dragonflies and Damselflies are fascinating creatures. The main difference between the two groups (as outlined in Part I) is the appearance of their wings and whether they can fold their wings when at rest. As adults, they...

[caption id="attachment_29169" align="aligncenter" width="630"] Front cover of the new field guide displaying a photo taken by Herpetologist and SA Museum curator Mark Hutchinson of the Tussock Skink (Pseudemoia pagenstecheri).[/caption] Nature Glenelg Trust has recently finalised an update to a Field Guide to the Skinks of the...

Over 8000 plants made their way into the ground recently after four days of planting by NGT staff and volunteers at two sites. Over 50 individuals were involved in the planting events at Eaglehawk Waterhole and Mount Burr Swamp Restoration Reserves. Seedlings were produced by...