Author: Mark Bachmann

If you haven’t heard of or seen Pick Swamp (a 230 hectare property next to Piccaninnie Ponds, now also a reserve), then you haven’t witnessed the incredible recovery potential of drained wetlands - but the results (see below) speak for themselves. Finally, after 10 years, it’s time to...

We've now reached a point in this series where the stories told so far intertwine. The undeniable reality is that, without realising it, the early settlers had paved the way for the establishment and explosion of the fox population – by deliberately persecuting, suppressing and, successfully eradicating from many districts, the only...

Not long after 1893, when the stories shared in Part 1 of this series were recorded, the fox became seriously entrenched in the region and the environment started to undergo a significant transformation. But first, what can the records tell us about this period, and how that transformation...

A few recent events and discussions have got me thinking about how little today we think about what our ground-dwelling mammalian forest fauna was really like across south-eastern Australia; both before the arrival of Europeans (including, long before that, dingoes arriving in Australia), and then after...

Without much fuss or fanfare, several weeks ago six species were added to the 'Vulnerable' category under our national environment legislation - the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. One of those species, the mainland sub-species of Swamp Antechinus (Antechinus minimus maritimus), occurs across a large stretch of NGT's focal...