
After a busy week away without an NGT blog update, welcome back! The International River Symposium I attended last week in Melbourne was a great opportunity to hear about some of the great projects that are underway to improve water management and restore rivers all over...

The early "word of mouth" response to the announcement of the wetland restoration program has been fantastic, with Lachlan and I getting around various parts of the region over recent weeks to meet with people interested in being involved. [caption id="attachment_1329" align="alignnone" width="300"] A wetland we visited earlier...

[caption id="attachment_1221" align="alignleft" width="300"] The Mighty Murray Cod (Ben Gawne)[/caption] I have recently had a paper published which is the first comprehensive assessment of the swimming capacity of the Murray Cod. The research outlined in the paper indicates that this large, slow growing species is a generalist capable of a...