
It has been bubbling away quietly in the background for the past 12 months, but NGT are now in the final stages of an eco-hydrological assessment to evaluate restoration options for an area of important saltmarsh habitat that has been declining in condition over several...

Patrick Hanna, MLA/MLC, (b. 1819, d. 1890) Next month NGT will be publicly sharing another Discussion Paper on the Wallan Wallan wetlands, to follow on from one we released in March last year (2019), where we explored the risks and opportunities associated with Herne Swamp. This...

From Orange-bellied Parrot monitoring in south-west Victoria, to the Silver Xenica translocation, to the Southern Bell Frog conservation facility, to prescribed burning to support Avenue Cassinia regeneration, and rare plant propagation in our nursery, a lot of NGT's work centres around our local threatened species.  More...