Environmental Education

It’s been roughly a year since we’ve had an update from Eaglehawk Waterhole, NGT's first Restoration Reserve located near Frances, SA. Over the past 12 months, we’ve managed considerable community interest in spending time at Eaglehawk Waterhole on a range of activities, including: bird watching and...

[caption id="attachment_37002" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] The wonderful grassy woodland of Wadmore Park.[/caption] Campbelltown Landcare Group have invited NGT to undertake a fauna survey of Pulyonna Wirra (Wadmore Park) this year. The project aims to collate records on mammals, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates in Wadmore Park, through various...

Beginning in September 2018, Greg taught a Bird Monitoring Course to 30 keen participants in Dunkeld. Once a week for ten weeks Lu-Wei and I travelled to Dunkeld for the course and to undertake various flora and fauna monitoring tasks at Walker Swamp. Each session started...