Environmental Education

Beginning in September 2018, Greg taught a Bird Monitoring Course to 30 keen participants in Dunkeld. Once a week for ten weeks Lu-Wei and I travelled to Dunkeld for the course and to undertake various flora and fauna monitoring tasks at Walker Swamp. Each session started...

Anyone who enjoys time outdoors in Australia knows that snake encounters are something which we need to be aware of. Every time we head out on a ForestrySA biodiversity schools program excursion, the safety talk includes what to do if we see a snake. Although...

NGT’s first Art in Science workshop took place recently at Kurrawonga, our conservation property in Nelson, Victoria. [caption id="attachment_31502" align="alignleft" width="300"] Exploring Kurrawonga through the lens. Image by Ockert Le Roux.[/caption]   A warm and sunny day provided perfect conditions to spend a day focusing on insects. Ockert...

In late August, students from two local schools joined us at Mt Burr Swamp for a day of learning and fun. Newbery Park Primary School’s year 3/4s, along with a group of students from Millicent High School, spent some time continuing our revegetation efforts on the...

Have you ever done the 'Goolwa cockle shuffle'? Year 11 Conservation and Land Management students from Investigator College had the shuffle all sorted, after assisting Sylvia to gather, identify, tag and measure cockles at Goolwa Beach. Sylvia provided the students with a background to the ecology, management and conservation...