
It's been a busy month in the world of Nature Glenelg Trust's volunteers! We've made a start on our planting for the year and have also been busy in the nursery, getting ready for propagating new seedlings for our planting projects. We've recently had a group of...

Introducing Kurrawonga’s two-tailed resident! As a self-defence strategy to distract predators, most lizards can drop their tails when hit or stressed. The dropped tail will continue wriggling to catch the predator's attention and allow for the lizard's speedy escape. This self-amputation mechanism is also known...

Return water, and wildlife will follow! It's not quite that simple, but restoration efforts over the last three years at NGTs Mount Burr Restoration Reserve have re-created wetland habitat for many important fauna species. The "Sunday Mail", recently published an article featuring NGT's Bryan and Rose (see below),...

Avocado seeds are big, sunflower seeds a bit smaller, but for Neophema parrots, food seeds are rather small. The Orange-bellied Parrot (Neophema chrysogaster) feeds on the seeds of Beaded Glasswort (Sarcocornia quinqueflora); seeds just over 1 mm long. [caption id="attachment_33902" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Beaded Glasswort seeds from...

Squished and triangle-shaped Banksias are free to grow after they were removed from the confines of their tree guards at Eaglehawk Waterhole. It was our final National Volunteer Week event on Saturday 25th May, and despite the constant rain and cold weather, our NGT staff...