
After the success of NGT's recent saltmarsh restoration works on the Tasmanian Land Conservancy's (TLC) Long Point Reserve, adjacent to Moulting Lagoon, we are delighted to be working again with the TLC at Sloping Main, one of their newest Reserves situated on the Tasman Peninsula....

Last month, we featured a story about the big wet that followed the early break in some parts of south-eastern Australia in June. Indeed, it was that article which triggered interest from statewide ABC radio in Victoria, who were keen to check in with us...

Last month we shared with readers the story of recent works at Stipiturus Conservation Park, near Mt Compass, south of Adelaide. Sandbag structures first installed in 2017 were covered with soil, using a small excavator, in early April this year, converting them from temporary to...

Thanks to a recent episode of ABC TV's Back Roads, I've had a few people reach out in the past couple of weeks to ask me about my own 'backyard' in the cross-border zone between Victoria and South Australia - a special part of the...