Wetland Restoration

It has been bubbling away quietly in the background for the past 12 months, but NGT are now in the final stages of an eco-hydrological assessment to evaluate restoration options for an area of important saltmarsh habitat that has been declining in condition over several...

On Thursday, myself and Mark from NGT headed to Meningie for a very informative and detailed workshop, where the community was given the opportunity to hear from SA Government (DEW) staff and researchers leading the scientific investigations that form part of 'Project Coorong'; as well...

Last Saturday, the Bittern Recovery Project and NGT ran a field survey for Australasian Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus) in Long Swamp, near Nelson in south-west Victoria. Since NGT’s hydrological restoration work at Nobles Rocks, the wetland has seen an increase in suitable habitat for the nationally-endangered...

Nature Glenelg Trust has been nationally recognised for its successful cooperative approach to wetland restoration on the Wannon River Floodplain, winning the ‘Involving Community in Waterway Management Award’ at the River Basin Management Society biannual awards recently. [caption id="attachment_35695" align="aligncenter" width="551"] Greg receiving the ‘Involving Community...

Threatened Species projects form a large part of what NGT does; helping native fish, rare birds, reptiles, small mammals, bats, marine creatures, frogs or insects. We try to do it all, but we rely on the support of volunteers, community groups, businesses, local, state and...

National Threatened Species Day is celebrated annually on the 7th September to commemorate the death of the last Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacine) in Hobart in 1936. Although the origin of National Threatened Species Day is sad and gloomy, it is a good time to reflect on...