
Our Community Nursery site at Vansittart Park is in a fantastic central location for our volunteers, and allows us to grow seedlings for numerous restoration projects. However, space at our small nursery is limited and we have nowhere to expand, and this year's planting season...

Flame Sedge-skipper Southern Boobook Owl chick Brolgas at Mt Burr Swamp Swamp Daisy-bush (Olearia glandulosa) Swamp Mazus (Mazus pumilio) Southern Grass-dart Bryan snapped some cool critters and rare plants whilst out and about this month: The first two were during surveys of vegetation (The Claypans) inside a OneFortyOne forestry site, where he...

Monitoring using photos from fixed points (called photopoints) can be a successful method of visually showing the changes that take place over time. In NGT's case we use photopoints to see the changes brought about from environmental restoration within a previously modified site or landscape....