
(Note:  this article was written in May 2020) Over the past 8 and half years, I have been regularly asked all sorts of questions about Nature Glenelg Trust (NGT) - usually when out and about at community events or when giving presentations to community groups -...

Over three wet days in early May, NGT staff (Mark and Ben) got to work with the assistance of an earthworks contractor, backfilling more artificial drains within Stipiturus Conservation Park. This important reserve contains a signification portion of Glenshera Swamp, the largest and most intact...

Vale Mr. Fenton - by Mark Bachmann [caption id="attachment_36980" align="alignright" width="338"] John Fenton of Lanark - Photo courtesy of Rochelle Rudduck.[/caption] Every now and then you meet someone who makes a deep and lasting impression on you. In my own personal journey towards becoming especially passionate about...

[caption id="attachment_37002" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] The wonderful grassy woodland of Wadmore Park.[/caption] Campbelltown Landcare Group have invited NGT to undertake a fauna survey of Pulyonna Wirra (Wadmore Park) this year. The project aims to collate records on mammals, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates in Wadmore Park, through various...