
In the past couple of weeks, we've finally brought to a close all of our planned wetland restoration works for the 2023 autumn/winter period - and it has been a big year! Since February, our scheduled works have taken us all over south-eastern Australia, working...

As a follow-up to Bryan's fantastic video tour last month, this month we'll take a really quick glimpse of the recently completed works in the Mount Burr Swamp Stage II Restoration area. These works were implemented over a 6 week period between April and June...

As we reported last month, we successfully reached our funding target and were able to settle the strategic expansion of the Walker Swamp Restoration Reserve - debt free - with just a few days to spare. To those of you who have donated, volunteered or...

Walker Swamp is a large and complex wetland system, that NGT originally purchased in 2018 for restoration (read more about our initial restoration works here).Understanding how large wetland systems like Walker Swamp respond to restored cycles of inundation (flooding) over time and space, requires a...

First of all, welcome to a massive June newsletter full of exciting news from NGT's work across south-eastern Australia! But before we get into the rest of the stories from the team, given the number of interesting things that have happened lately I'm also going...

Last month, NGT highlighted the exciting expansion of Mount Burr Swamp Restoration Reserve with our Stage II area. Over the coming months we hope to show our supporters the amazing work going on to restore wetlands in this area and the broader landscape out at...

On a wet couple of days in early June the long-awaited first stage of habitat restoration works got underway at Mount Vandyke. 3000+ grasses and sedges from Arborline Nursery in Hamilton were planted by Nature Glenelg Trust staff into the scalped (i.e. scraped) trial site...

At our recent Fleurieu Swamps Field Day we explained the latest restoration works at Stipiturus Conservation Park (CP), on the Fleurieu Peninsula south of Adelaide, but we haven't yet informed our readers from further afield. These works mark an important milestone in the restoration of...